I’ve been absent from the blogosphere for awhile because I’m pregnant (i.e. sick and tired), and have no motivation to do anything right now that isn’t absolutely required of me (and even then, it’s iffy) š I did, however, muster up the will to write out 17 notable events of 2012…in no particular order:
1. 2012 was a year of detoxing after our crazy and highly transitionalĀ 2011. It was the most stable year of our lives since graduating from high school – we lived in one place for the entire calendar year!
2. Celebrated our 5 year anniversary.
3. Became pregnant with our second child.
4. Caught viruses from “Caleb the Carrier,” 10 of the 12 months (he was sick himself only two or three times).
5. We survivedĀ Armageddon.
6. Caleb learned to walk, talk, understand what we’re saying to him, and ignore us.
7. Started blogging again and wrote 57 posts. I had the most fun writing about my pregnancy with Caleb, his birth, and my recovery, and found the process very therapeutic! š
8. In July, Great Grandma Kay Fox passed away š I only met her once at our wedding, and sadly, she never met Caleb, but I know she was a wonderful woman! She will be missed.
9. November 9th, 2012, marked 10 years since Sean’s close brush with death.
10. Housed a woman struggling with meth addiction and her newborn twins.
11. Made a lot of great friends through our Church, who we are excited to do life with in 2013.
12. Two of my best friends married each other (finally)!
13. Caleb met his great-grandma Jane and his great-grandpa Jim, who traveled all the way to CA from IL.
14. We hosted some wonderful house guests including my sister Allison, my mom, the Dods’, and the Cook’s.
15. Sean was interviewed to be a juror on a murder case, but was dismissed for being too weird.
16. Completed work on Caleb’s room, the family room, and are nearly finished with our kitchen and guest room (photos to come).
17. God did an amazing redemptive work in the marriage of our friends Liana and Jeremy, whose vow renewals we wereĀ privilegedĀ to attend. Blog post coming – stay tuned!
Overall, 2012 was a great year full of blessings. We have much to be thankful for and are so grateful to the Lord for His unconditional love and grace in our lives. Looking forward to meeting Baby Felks #2 this year!