Last night and today were the best by a mile. We have completely weaned Evie off the codeine, hooray! It took longer than I originally expected, but that’s ok. Now she is exclusively taking Ibuprofen and Tylenol, which we’ll slowly wean her off of as well. I think she is eating more than yesterday (it’s hard to know the exact amount since she’s breastfeeding), but it is still taking her a long time to eat. I’m sure she’ll get faster as each day passes. It is still a demanding schedule administering her medications and nursing her around the clock, but I’m hoping this schedule only lasts a few more days. Sadly, she hasn’t had a bowel movement in four days (a side effect of codeine is constipation), so poor girl is having cramps. I never thought I would say this (ever ever), but hopefully she has a huge blow-out soon! Thankfully, I’m feeling better today, so I think my physical ailments must have been fatigue and/or stress-related. As always, continued prayers are welcomed 🙂
Today’s photos:

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LOL. So funny! (about Daddy’s fat lip.) I bet she was happy to get those no-no’s off for a while. Keep up the good work. Soon this will all be a memory. As, hugs and prayers…