Category: Just For Fun
Caleb Video Highlights: June & July 2013
Caleb Video Highlights: April & May 2013
Caleb’s 30 Best Shenanigans
When Caleb was between 20 months and 3 1/2-years-old, he went through an epic “shenanigans” phase. Below, I have documented his 30 best shenanigans during that time period in chronological order. I don’t ever want to forget this awesomeness, since it will be prime material for my speech at his wedding 😉 Let’s be honest, I love the fact that we spawned an evil genius – muahahaha!!!
13 Months Old
#1: Caleb dialed 911 while playing with my cell phone when I wasn’t looking.
20 Months Old
#2: At Caleb’s first time to the library for toddler story time, he: refused to sit down, kept walking up close to the woman telling the story and blocking the book from everyone, ran circles around the group, weaved in and out of the table and easels up front nearly knocking them over, ran in and out of a storage closet I couldn’t fit into, practically demanded another child’s snack (even though he had his own), and ran into the main library yelling at the top of his lungs…multiple times. When we were leaving, Caleb escaped my grasp for the umpteenth time, and the librarian saw me and muttered under her breath: “oh…it’s you.”
#3: Caleb made a mad dash straight towards a 45 mph street and got halfway across before I caught him and carried his little non-compliant, flopping body back to our car. Of course, he thought it was the most hilarious experience and could not stop laughing!?!?!
22 Months Old
#4: Caleb figured out how to climb over the contraption we put on the top of his crib to prevent him from escaping, so we were forced to convert his crib temporarily until we had his big boy bed/room ready. On one particular morning, he pushed out the bed rail, got into his closet, and pulled out an entire roll of fairly expensive diaper genie refill bags. We have since installed locks on all the closets in the kids’ rooms.
#5: Caleb learned how to take his pajamas/diaper off, and this is how I found him one morning:

#6: Caleb learned to climb his bookshelf and change the iPod settings. Also, notice there are no books on the bookshelf because he kept ripping them up (and still does).
23 Months Old
#7: Multitasking – climbing the bookshelf AND taking off his diaper. After he climbed down, he proudly showed me where he had put his diaper…on top of the diaper garbage can of course!
#8: I was getting dressed one morning, when I heard a Black Eyed Peas song playing. My first thought was: “wow, our teenage neighbors are playing that REALLY loud and REALLY early…that’s weird.” I eventually realized the sound was coming from the baby monitor. Caleb had climbed his bookshelf, grabbed the iPod which plays his white noise, changed the “song”, and decided to have himself a little dance party. Then I think he realized he was being watched, and disconnected the monitor.
#9: Plied Sean’s eyelid with a pair of play pliers.
#10: I was finishing getting ready for Church upstairs one morning, and thought Caleb was securely gated in the baby-proofed living room playing, when a suspiciously long period of silence brought me to check on him. As it turned out, he had climbed all the way up the outside edge of the banister of the stairs to the second story landing. I refrained from immediately scolding him so he wouldn’t startle, let go, and fall on the first floor tile. First thing he said once I pulled him over the banister: “bad. trouble. spank.” And he proceeded to spank HIMSELF…twice. I didn’t know whether to laugh, yell, or cry.

#11: Caleb broke a bowl while I was trying to unload the dishwasher after breakfast. I locked him out of the kitchen so I could clean up the shards, and when I finished, I found him at the top of the stairs on the outside of the banister again. Immediately after that, we had some friends over for a play group, and he turned on the hose in the backyard and sprayed all the ladies’ diaper bags/purses. Next, he ripped out the second oak tree we had tried to plant (which was completely covered so he wouldn’t), then crumbled the muffin I gave him for lunch and threw it all over the kitchen floor. I’m awarding this one king of the shenanigans, thus far.
#12: He pooped all over his floor, rug, and chair after taking off his pajamas and diaper in the morning…for the third time. I narrowly missed stepping on a piece when I walked in. We have since duct taped his diaper every night before he goes to bed, and we’ve already gone through a roll and a half (no, I am not kidding).

#13: While I was trying to make breakfast, Caleb repeatedly threw his sippy cup against the refrigerator until it busted and spilled milk all over the kitchen floor.
24 Months Old
#14: Broken kitchen window with a rock. In all fairness, Caleb was only partially responsible for this one. He likes to relocate the landscaping rocks into the grass, and although Sean had thought he picked all the rocks out before mowing the lawn, one was missed and found a home in between the glass panes.
2 Years, 2 Months Old
#15: Caleb slowly but surely picked at and shredded the screen in his room (it looks a lot worse now).
#16: Poking animals’ eyes at the fair petting zoo when Dada and Nana weren’t looking. This poor goat was not Caleb’s first victim (or last).

2 Years, 3 Months Old
#17: On our first Target shopping trip after Evie was born, we were attempting to load the groceries and put Evie in the car, when Caleb escaped from the cart, jumped INTO the SUV of the woman parked next to us (who was also loading up her groceries), and started climbing her seats. Fortunately, she was understanding, since it just so happened it was her first Target trip with two kids as well!
2 Years, 4 Months Old
#18: We bought a brand new minivan, and after owning it a whole four days, Caleb rammed the jogging stroller into it and scraped it down the side. Sean’s response: “Well, at least we got that over with quick.”
2 Years, 5 Months Old
#19: Listened to Caleb cry/scream/yell for 45 minutes straight while I nursed Evie in the car and then drove home from the park. In his anger, he also poured out his drink all over himself and the floor. Definite points here for impressive endurance.
#20: At Caleb’s first dental appointment, he figured out how to work the water sprayer (don’t know the correct term for it), and sprayed the office with it…on three separate occasions.
#21: As Sean was changing sheets that Caleb had peed on, Caleb ran over and peed on the only fresh sheets left, as well as Sean’s leg.

#22: Harassing Tomahawk (my sister’s dog) with the vacuum at Grammie’s house:
2 Years, 6 Months
#23: Caleb figured out how to climb his (very) tall dresser, and this is how I found him in the morning. So much for keeping his books out of reach so he can’t rip them.
#24: While nana was watching Caleb during Evie’s surgery, he ran into the bathroom while she was getting ready for the day, grabbed her nightgown, and tossed it…smack dab into the toilet.
2 Years, 7 Months
#25: While showering, Caleb shoved a cap to an empty body wash container down the drain…waaay down.
2 Years, 8 Months
#26: While at Costco, I was intently looking at something deciding if I wanted to buy it, and when I turned back, I found my wallet emptied of every last bill –
#27: Caleb unscrewed his dresser knobs –
2 Years, 9 Months
#28: Caleb discovered the joy of drawing on his closet doors with a pen –
3 Years, 5 Months
#29: Another broken dish. I’m surprised we still have any at this point!
3 Years, 6 Months
#30: While visiting Grammie’s house, Caleb found glitter while he was supposed to be napping and did an art project with it on the carpet. Let’s just say Grammie was not. happy. Gotta love the look on his face, though 🙂
Bonus – 2 Years, 5 Months
Not a shenanigan per se, but here’s a video of Caleb easily overcoming every “childproof” obstacle:
Comical Calebisms: October-December 2013
Over the past three months, we’ve been recording the amusing things that come out of Caleb’s mouth. Enjoy! 🙂
Caleb: “Dada, can I have feta cheese for dinner?”
Sean: “Go ask mama.”
Caleb: (Within earshot of Sean) “Mama, can I have feta cheese for dinner?”
Me: “Whaaaaaaaaaat?”
Caleb: (Turning back to Sean) “Mama said yes.”
Why it’s a bad idea to let your kids watch TV and eat at the same time –
Caleb: (In a very concerned and confused voice) “Mama, where did my bagel go???”
Me: “Ummm, I think you ate it.”
Caleb: (Long pause) “Oh.”
After pooping twice in just a couple hours –
Me: “Caleb, you are a pooping monster!”
Caleb: “I’m not a pooping monster. I’m Caleb!”
I was changing Caleb’s diaper on my bathroom counter, when he reached over and grabbed a nursing pad out of the box, and said: “Mama, do you need another boob?”
Me: “Caleb, I love you.”
Caleb: “I love Briolette.” (A girl in his mommy and me class)
Caleb: “Did you take a shower mommy?”
Me: “Yes.”
Caleb: (Stroking my hair) “Did you wash your hair?”
Me: “Yes.”
Caleb: “It looks…kind of good.”
Me: “Caleb, I really love you a lot.”
Caleb: “I love you…and I love feta cheese.”
A conversation with himself while sitting in his time out chair –
“I want to go upstairs.”
“Nooo…dada said nooo.”
“But I waaant to.”
“No. I didn’t cooperate so I have to be in the time out chair.”
“But I waaant to.”
“Nooo…dada said nooo.”
Right after Evie’s surgery, while Caleb was watching TV –
Me: “I know it’s been busy and crazy around here lately, but I want you to know that we love you very much and we care about you a lot. You’re our very special boy!”
Caleb: (Without taking his eyes off the TV) “Excuse me, mama.” (His polite way of saying stop talking).
Yelling out his bedroom window at the top of his lungs to his buddy across the street –
Me: “Who do you think is more amazing, mama or dada?”
Caleb: “Pop pop.”
Right after a big poop, in a voice of disgust –
“Ohhh…it’s ooooozing.” (Patting bum) – “I can feeeeel it.”
“I got a mommy, but she really wants to eat.”
This is the conversation we have verbatim *every* time he hurts himself –
Me or Sean: “Caleb, are you ok??”
Caleb: (Yelling incredulously, like ‘why would you even ask me that?’) “NO! I’m NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!”
Caleb: “Run faster mama!”
Me: “I’m running as fast as I can! I’m old and tired.”
Caleb: “You should go to sleep.”
Me: “Evie, we need to pump your legs because you need to get your poop out.”
Caleb: (Disappearing into the garage and returning a couple minutes later with a bike pump).
Caleb: “Let’s pump Evie’s legs!”
Driving home after the Christmas Eve service at church and Evie was crying –
Caleb: “What is her deal??”
“I have a really good nana. I have a really good pop pop. And I looooove Uncle Drew. Tickle tickle tickle!”
Me: “Ms. Christina is sick so Isaac won’t be able to come and play today.”
Caleb: “Can his daddy bring him?”
Me: “No, his daddy is taking care of his mommy and helping her.”
Caleb: “Can Isaac come by himself?”
Me: “No, because he can’t drive.”
Caleb: (30 second pause) “Oh. Ok.”
After Sean said goodnight and left Caleb’s room at bedtime he began freaking out, so Sean went back in –
“Dada, I got scared because you turned the light all the way off, and I almost heard a noise!!”
And here’s a handful more I posted on facebook, pre-October:
Fairly soon after giving birth to Evie –
Caleb: (Patting my belly) “Mama has another baby!!”
Me: (Look of amusement)
Caleb: (Lifting up my shirt) “Let me see!”
Me: “Hey Caleb, do you like Evie’s outfit today?”
Caleb: (Continuing to play and without turning around and looking) “Yeah.”
Sean: (From the living room) “Caleb, are you coming?”
Caleb: “Yeah…”
Sean: “Are you coming right now?”
Caleb: “Yeah…”
Sean: “Are you lying to me?”
Caleb: “Yeah…”
Sean: “What are you doing?”
Caleb: “I’m standing on the table.”
While some friends were over for dinner –
Caleb: (Repeated no less than 10 times) “Pooping…kiss it”
Me: “Caleb, what does Papa say?”
Caleb: “Papa.”
Me: “Caleb, what does Nana say?”
Caleb: “Nana.”
Me: “Caleb, what does Dada say?”
Caleb: “Dada.”
Me: “Caleb, what does Mama say?”
Caleb: “Nooooooo. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No.”
37 Weeks & Anti-Nesting

I haven’t made a post in a few months, so I figured it was about time to do some sort of update. First, I apologize to all my dear friends I have completely slacked on calling/emailing/hanging out with in the last 8 months. I guess something about feeling like death makes me fiercely anti-social and brings out the extreme introvert in me :/ I still love you and I’m not avoiding you, I promise!
I was 37 weeks pregnant on Monday (my official due date is July 29th), and we’re ready for baby girl at any time. Much like my pregnancy with Caleb, my body is beginning to give me the dreaded blue screen of death, and I’m positive it’s just going to stop working entirely at any point in time. Everything hurts – my back, pelvis, crotch, legs, feet, ribs, esophagus, etc. I wake up approx. 8-10 times per night due to pain and/or to empty my bladder, and beginning a couple of weeks ago, I haven’t been able to make it through the day without napping when Caleb does. The 100+ degree weather for a while there didn’t help much either…or the constant chasing of a highly active, little daredevil of a 2-year-old boy. Ah, the joys of making a human being!
Even though I’m in a lot of pain at the moment, this pregnancy really has been much better overall than the last, which I am very thankful for (there is hope, Alyssa)!! The “morning” sickness disappeared within a reasonable time frame (and I didn’t have to take medicine this time), and most of the unpleasant symptoms of pregnancy haven’t been quite as bad. I also had better expectations of what pregnancy is like this time around, so I wasn’t as caught off guard by the difficulties. Plus Caleb and his awesomely crazy shenanigans keep me occupied, so this pregnancy feels like it went by a lot faster…although at this very moment, it feels like time is standing still as I wait for her! I’m getting antsy to finally meet her after 9 long months, and I’m really hoping she arrives a little early like Caleb did.
Unlike most pregnant women at 37 weeks (or so it seems), I am definitely not in nesting mode. I did go through a period of time when I was highly motivated to finish projects and get task list items accomplished, but that ended weeks ago. I don’t know if it was the heat that jump started my laziness, but all I want to do these days is eat food (prepared by someone else), sleep, be massaged, and watch tv/movies in my free time. This is pretty unusual for me since I typically enjoy being productive, but I’ve fully surrendered to my inner sloth. I must insert here that Sean has been simply amazing during my pregnancy, and deserves best-dad-of-the-year award. Not only is he the exclusive financial provider for our family, he has done almost all the cooking, cleaning, house projects, AND takes care of Caleb when he’s not at work and Caleb’s awake. Incredible!!!
In non-pregnancy news, I love that Caleb is talking more and more. Even with his 2-year-old ‘tude and mischievousness (which I secretively and oddly kind of adore), I really am enjoying the toddler stage much more than the baby stage. I just think it’s becoming more fun to parent as he becomes more verbal and interactive, and demonstrates his own mind and personality. He is absolutely obsessed with tractors right now, and I have watched this 25-minute educational tractor video he loves probably 100 times now (more if you consider the fact that it accounts for at least 60% of my dream content). My favorite time with him is reading and praying with him before bedtime, and I just love the simple prayer he prays the same exact way every night – “thank you Jesus…AMEN!” He really is such a sweet boy, and even though he may gauge his little sisters’ eyes out, I know he will be a fantastic and loving big bro 🙂
Other than taking care of an existing small human being and creating a new one, I’ve also been working on a personal project (up until my anti-nesting phase of course), that I first conceptualized a year ago. With Sean’s help, I’ve been building a baby product reviews and recommendations website to help other parents make intelligent, confident, and faster buying decisions. If you know me well, you know I research products obsessively before purchasing them and spend an unreasonable amount of time doing so. It’s strangely enjoyable to me, and I decided a website like this would be really useful (especially for overwhelmed first-time parents), in determining which baby products to register for/buy. I think it’s coming together really well, and I’m almost finished with my first complete review. I’m hoping to publicly launch the site sometime this fall after I’ve finished a few more reviews, so stay tuned! …Although this whole taking care of a demanding newborn 24-7 thing (plus a toddler) may set me back a bit…so we’ll see what actually happens 😉
Caleb Video Highlights Jan-March 2013
Caleb’s “Big Boy” Room!
Baby girl Felkeress is evicting Caleb from the baby room, so he got to level up! 🙂 We transitioned him last Wednesday, and so far, so good. However, taking away his paci this coming weekend is going to be a whole different story…really not looking forward to that. Here are some pics of the final product:

It’s a…
This morning I had my 19 week ultrasound to check in on how baby is doing, and as a bonus, we found out baby’s sex! We decided in advance to find out baby #2’s sex in a fun way, so we had the ultrasound tech write down the sex and put it in an envelope for later revelation. The ultrasound went great, and it was so fun to see baby moving around! To top it off, I was told my ovaries are beautiful, large, and “plump”…don’t know if compliments get any better than that! Haha!
After the ultrasound, Sean and I went out to breakfast and told the waitress to look in the envelope, and if it said “boy”, to bring us a side of sausage, and if it said “girl”, to bring us a side of eggs. Get it??? Ha, ha, ha 😉 She was really excited to be a part of the revelation, and what was even more fun, were the three guys in their 20’s sitting at the table across from us, who made it very clear they were just as excited to find out – LOL!! They kept saying things like: “this is SO exciting” and “I can’t wait to find out what we’re having!”…SOOO funny!!! We waited in suspense for what seemed like forever, and finally the waitress brought out two covered plates:
We took a deep breath, uncovered the plates, and…………………………
AN EGG!! Baby’s a GIRL!! 🙂
Even though I had a feeling she was a girl, Sean and I could hardly believe it…

Suffice it to say we’re super excited, and can’t wait to meet her! Hopefully she makes it past infancy with crazy Caleb in the house…ha! 🙂 Just kidding, I think he will be a great and highly entertaining big brother!!
Here she is, making her debut:

16 Week Update

I’m nearly 17 weeks along (almost halfway, yay!) and anticipating the reveal of our baby’s sex on March 4th! I’m definitely showing and can feel baby move from time to time. I still get nauseous every now and again, but I am feeling much better at this point (unlike last time, when I was sick the whole darn pregnancy). I think I had a more “normal” experience with morning sickness this time around – I was nauseous often and vomiting about once per day, but none of this seven-times-in-one-day business. Fortunately, this time I usually felt the worst at night, which is when I had Sean’s help with Caleb. In general, I found the morning sickness bearable, and didn’t need to take medicine this time (…could this mean it’s a girl!?!?) I am SO grateful it’s been manageable this time, because I have no idea how I would have survived taking care of a *very* active little boy if I had been as sick as last time. I do know women who have done it and are still alive, though, so I suppose it’s possible 🙂
While the morning sickness has been better this round, I’ve had back pain since my first week of pregnancy (last time I didn’t experience back pain until after giving birth), and the pelvic pain that began during the third trimester last time, began near the end of the first trimester this time. The pain is still at a bearable stage if I limit movement, but I can no longer exercise (even just walking)…unless I want to be immobile and popping tylenol for the rest of the day 🙂 When I spoke with my doctor about it, she unhelpfully said: “hm, that’s bizarre…it’s obviously not due to weight…it’s probably a nerve…are you planning on having more kids?” Ha!
I feel less depressed than last time, largely due to the great support system we have here in Livermore, and all the wonderful “mom friends” I have who can relate to what I’m going through and are so encouraging to me (plus feeling less sick doesn’t hurt either). However, between the physical pain, wacky hormones, and unending exhaustion, I’ve definitely been struggling in all areas (physical, mental, emotional, spiritual). I feel extremely unmotivated to do anything beyond the bare essentials, and find myself taking things just one day at a time. I guess I just don’t feel much like “myself” when I’m pregnant. I can’t focus or remember squat, I’m obsessively and frustratingly indecisive, I’m easily irritated, and I have a hard time emotionally connecting with God and others, among other things. I keep reminding myself that this won’t last forever, and will be over before I know it. …And then I’ll have two kids and different problems 🙂
In more positive news, I’m eating better than last time (and started off 10-15 lbs. lighter at the beginning of this pregnancy, compared with last time), I have not drenched myself in urine, and I have not used a suppository yet…good thing I have 24 more weeks left for such entertaining blog material 😉
In non-pregnancy news, Caleb keeps me on my toes. Although he can be a very sweet boy, he is extremely strong-willed and knows exactly what he wants. He is highly independent, has never exhibited stranger or separation anxiety, has no fear of getting hurt, is always pushing physical limits, and has never cared much for cuddles. He will not take ‘no’ for an answer without a “nuclear meltdown” as we call it, and absolutely cannot comprehend why on earth you would not give him what he wants, if he prefaced it with “please”. I thought this wasn’t supposed to start until kids turned 2!? Such an overachiever. Anyways, instead of giving in, we usually attempt to distract him from such tantrums with absurd tactics such as armpit farting, mooning him, pretending to throw a tantrum ourselves, etc. Hey – if it works, it works…don’t judge.
Here are a few recent stories of typical life with Caleb:
About a month ago, I took Caleb for the first time to the library for toddler story time. It went about as well as I expected…which was an epic fail. He refused to sit down, he kept walking up close to the woman telling the story and blocking the book from everyone, he ran circles around the group, weaved in and out of the table and easels up front (nearly knocking them over), kept going in and out of a storage closet I couldn’t fit into, practically demanded another child’s snack even though he had his own (the kid was Asian, so of course he very politely obliged), and ran out into the library yelling…multiple times. There were about 30 other kids there, and I am not exaggerating when I say he was the only one pulling such shenanigans. All the while, I’m getting hot and nauseous from chasing him around and desperately trying to keep down my breakfast. When we were leaving, Caleb got away from me (yet again), and the librarian said “oh…it’s you.” Haha! I took a pretty awesome nap that afternoon.
Two days later, Caleb made a mad dash straight towards a 45 mph street and got about halfway into it before I could catch him (by God’s grace there weren’t any cars coming at the moment)! I hadn’t cried/hyperventilated so hard since Caleb was an infant and wouldn’t eat…it was a really scary experience. After I wrestled Caleb into his car seat, I spent 10 minutes calming myself down before I could manage the drive home. Of course he just thought it was the most hilarious experience and couldn’t stop laughing! ????????????
More recently we were at a park, when Caleb made a mad dash (darn those mad dashes…the kid is FAST) straight towards a clearly agitated, unleashed dog. Again, I ran as fast as my (pained) body could go, and scooped him up before disaster struck. Seriously? I cannot catch a break! All I can say is hopefully this mad-dash-straight-towards-impending-doom nonsense ends before I’m 8 months pregnant. I swear I’m gonna have a heart attack one of these days!
Though it’s true Caleb is a handful (for which I apparently have myself to thank…my mom says he is just like me when I was his age), he also has many wonderful qualities. For starters, he’s hilarious…and maybe a little OCD. He is always pointing out dirty spots on the carpet or trash outside, and exclaiming “EWWW! GROOOOSSSS!” He’s always asking to dust or vacuum, and I’m telling you, he really gets into it (video included below). Hopefully his fondness towards cleaning lasts until he’s at least 18 🙂 Whenever someone farts, he reliably yells “poop!”, which is pretty funny. He hates wearing clothes (he’s constantly discarding his pants), and loves running around naked after his bath. He’s flirtatious and particularly into blonde-haired girls, and likes to tell them they’re “pretty.” He had his dream come true this Valentine’s day when he was fed chocolate covered strawberries by (blonde) Tanza Lewis, while groping her leg (reference below picture).
Let’s see…whenever he has seen me dry heave or barf, he starts to imitate me. He has an “evil laugh” that inevitably surfaces when he is trying to pull out my earrings. He loves babies, and usually tries to hug and/or kiss them, and becomes very concerned if they are crying. Our friends with dogs know they have to put the dog bowl up before Caleb comes for a play date, because without a doubt, he will flip it. He typically plays very well with other kids, and is especially fond of his friend Isaac. His laugh makes me happy, and in the rare moments he concedes to giving me a hug or kiss, I’m even happier 🙂